Where do most people accidentally destroy their iPhone?


Hint: It's in the same place where folks tend to accidentally cut themselves and warm things with fire.

Where exactly do most people accidentally ruin their iPhone?

If you guessed the toilet you'd be wrong, says a new survey.

According to device warranty provider Squaretrade, most people -- 21 percent to be precise -- damaged their device in the kitchen. The runner up, at 18 percent, is the living room, followed by the bathroom at 16 percent.

All in all, 51 percent of iPhone accidents happen inside the house instead of out in the wild, says Squaretrade. To find that out, the company tapped Survey Sampling International and asked 35 questions to 2,004 iPhone owners in August.

Other findings from the survey include that water is overwhelmingly the most common when it comes to liquid damage at 43 percent, followed by soda at 19 percent, and beer and coffee/tea, which both came in at 12 percent.

The results follow a similar study published by SquareTrade last month that claimed Americans alone have spent $5.9 billion on damaged iPhones. That same survey noted that the main reason phones became damaged in the first place was falling out of user hands (at 30 percent of issues), followed by liquid damage at 18 percent.

Of course, there's also an infographic for all this information, which you can view below:


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