Kareena Kapoor married Saif Ali Khan on Tuesday by exchanging rings and garlands. Sources say that the bride wore her ma-in-law Sharmila Tagore's gharara, the final fitting of which was done by Manish Malhotra. Later, she changed into a lehenga, which she wore till early morning to the after-party at a Mumbai five-star hotel.
The party was a grand one and songs from Saif and Bebo’s films such as ‘Mauja Hi Mauja’, ‘Chammak Challo’, ‘Halkat Jawani’ and ‘Tumhi Ho Bandhu’ were played. Friends Tusshar Kapoor, Malaika Arora Khan, Ranbir Kapoor, Amrita Arora Ladak with husband Shakeel danced to these numbers. Incidentally, it was also Karisma’s best friend and Anil Kapoor’s brother Sanjay’s birthday and it was brought by popping a bubbly. A tabloid reports that the best performance of the evening came from Karan Johar and Neetu Singh who danced to Sharmila’s songs.
The most emotional moment of the evening apparently came when Kareena’s mother Babita came and hugged her. “Bebo was choked with emotion and thanked her mum for organising such a grand wedding for her.”
The talk of the ceremony was Karisma’s husband Sanjay Kapur’s absence. As the party moves to Delhi today, it will be interesting to see if he will make it to the venue considering he is based in Delhi.
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